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Italy finally confirms its commitment to the TAP gas pipeline

Italy finally confirms its commitment to the TAP gas pipeline

The TAP will transport natural gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II deposit to Europe. Italian President Sergio Mattarella confirmed his commitment

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The TAP will transport natural gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II deposit to Europe.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella confirmed his commitment to the implementation of the TAP gas pipeline, in the presence of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, in Baku.

“The Southern Corridor and the Caspian Sea gas is of great importance to Europe,” the Italian head of government said.

“In addition to our excellent co-operation -he added- in the field of energy, we sought opportunities for co-operation in other areas as well. We spoke about the activity of Italian companies in Azerbaijan. We appreciate both the efforts of Italy and Azerbaijan to complete the Southern Gas Corridor and we confirm that both sides will work to find ways to address these issues of common interest.”

These statements come after opposing views from some members of the new Italian government over the reason behind the TAP construction, such as that of Environment Minister Sergio Costa, who had declared a month ago that “based on our energy policy and international gas prices that are falling, this work today may be pointless…”

The -unbearable- fines Italy will face if it leaves the project seem to have averted the resistance of the 5-Star Movement executives.

The consortium managing the TAP pipeline, meanwhile, looks at the possibility of changing the terrestrial route of the TAP in Italy, in an effort to find a compromise with the local society that opposes its construction by highlighting the environmental impact that the work will have and its damage on the olive oil production in the region that will suffer.

The TAP will transport natural gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II deposit to Europe.

The approximately 878 km-long pipeline will be connected to the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) pipeline in Kipi, on the Greek-Turkish border, and will cross Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea before “landing” on southern Italy.

TAP’s route can facilitate the supply of gas to several countries in South-Eastern Europe, including Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro.







