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From Sweden arrived artificial neurons capable to communicate with a real ones

From Sweden arrived artificial neurons capable to communicate with a real ones

Before the artficial retina and the artificial blood , they are arrived also the new artificial neurons, created in the laboratory, and they are capab

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Before the artficial retina and the artificial blood , they are arrived also the new artificial neurons, created in the laboratory, and they are capable to modulate the heart rate of the mouses, on which they were tested.

This experiment was published in the newspaper, called Nature Materials on 12th of January, driven by the Italian resoucher Simone Fabiano, professor associate at the Science and Tecnology Department of Linkoping University in Sweden.

On the based of the costruction of this dispositive, called “c-OECN”, there are a particolar transistor, that they consent to control the flow of current in the circuit.

These are organic electrochemical transistors, fabricated with a particular of type of conducting polymers, that they can be stamp on light plastic sheets. 

A cura di Monica Origgi

