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Computer of the future with human brain organoids

Computer of the future with human brain organoids

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi The future are realized, replacing the chip in silicon with human brain organoids, is a better solution to have c

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A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi

The future are realized, replacing the chip in silicon with human brain organoids, is a better solution to have computer more rapid, and with consumption of energy a low cost.

To propose the computer of based to intelligent organoids, is a team of researchers lead by Lena Smirnova of the University Johns Hopkins on the newspaper Frontiers in Science.

The idea now is theoric, but to imagine to arrive a new generation of computers bio-inspired, that iwas commented by the researcher Chiara Mogliaro of the Centre Biagio of the Pisa University.

The organoids are more useful to study the human organs, ang develop a new drugs.

