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How to know if the images were generated by artificial intelligence?

How to know if the images were generated by artificial intelligence?

A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi There are more discussions about the images created by artificial intelligence, because this intelligence is more

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A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi

There are more discussions about the images created by artificial intelligence, because this intelligence is more fascinating, but is also more dangerous.

The Internet users through deep fake, can diffuse misinformation, that can be dangerous not only o a personal level, but also on an International and global level.

For example, on March 22th a theory that exist a plot has emerged , according to Chris Rock, have dressed an eye pad that demostrates that the meeting between Chris Rock and Will Smith at the Oscar had been staged, the person who has shared the original image, he has admitted, that it was shot at 8k, clarifying that he has added details at the fails of Rock, that in reality doesn’t exist.

It is more important that we search to identify the difference between the real image and the image genarated by the artificial intelligence, therefore the technology became advanced exist, still some disadvantages, from the image generated by artficial intelligence.
