Category: Communication & Hi-Tech

1 128 129 130 131 132 133 1300 / 1324 POSTS
Li-Fi, the New Frontier in Communications

Li-Fi, the New Frontier in Communications

In 1886, the German physicist Heinrich Hertz first demonstrated the existence of radio waves, which in honor of him are also called Hertzian waves [...]
Smart Industry, se ne parla a Treviso il 29 giugno

Smart Industry, se ne parla a Treviso il 29 giugno

Innovazione digitale, efficienza energetica, sviluppo di nuove materiali: in una parola Smart Industry. Sono questi gli ingredienti sviluppati [...]
These 3 things make a company truly innovative

These 3 things make a company truly innovative

What are the world’s most exciting innovations? The answer may come from the World Economic Forum’s new class of Technology Pioneers, announced [...]
Epson ha comprato un’azienda italiana per stampare sui tessuti

Epson ha comprato un’azienda italiana per stampare sui tessuti

Epson acquisisce la Fratelli Robustelli e punta su un settore che secondo le stime crescerà del 25% l’anno Secondo le previsioni di WTiN Intelligen [...]
Instagram is filling up with fake goods. And organized crime’s the winner

Instagram is filling up with fake goods. And organized crime’s the winner

In the past few months, a few colleagues and I spent quite some time trying to understand how criminal organizations (mostly based in China and Ru [...]
Which regions will build the Silicon Valleys of the future?

Which regions will build the Silicon Valleys of the future?

The idea of a company growing so quickly that it doubles it revenues in under two years immediately brings to mind the Silicon Valley tech giant [...]
This is how blockchain will change your life

This is how blockchain will change your life

It appears that once again, the technological genie has been unleashed from its bottle. Summoned by an unknown person or persons at an uncertain [...]
PMI digitali: focus sui driver dell’innovazione

PMI digitali: focus sui driver dell’innovazione

Innovazione dei sistemi gestionali per favorire la trasformazione digitale nelle PMI: potenzialità e strategie nel report TeamSystem-SDA Bocconi Schoo [...]
Tecnologie energetiche pulite: raddoppiano gli investimenti al 2021

Tecnologie energetiche pulite: raddoppiano gli investimenti al 2021

Mission Innovation è il network interministeriale che riunisce i principali investitori (pubblici o di società a controllo pubblico) a livello mondial [...]
Rise of the Machines Fueled by Higher Asia Manufacturing Wages

Rise of the Machines Fueled by Higher Asia Manufacturing Wages

Robot shoe makers help Adidas bring factories home Adidas AG ’s new German factory is one of the most visible examples of global brands bringing manu [...]
1 128 129 130 131 132 133 1300 / 1324 POSTS