The radar transmitter have a potential about 700 W, and it has immotalized, in particulat the crater, called Tycho. In the future his major brothe
The radar transmitter have a potential about 700 W, and it has immotalized, in particulat the crater, called Tycho.
In the future his major brother will look for the power objects dangerous on a collision course with our planet.
A radar system prototype across the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, has reproduced the protographie of the Moon with high risolution, never captured by the Earth in this way.
To the project they work the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Green Bank Observatory and the Raytheon Intelligence Space.
The objective is create a system radar planetary the new generation, of high power for the GBT , the first bigger fully steerable radio telescope in the world.
A cura di Monica e Tiziana Origgi