Tag: Australia

1 2 323 / 23 POSTS
The Eastern seas after Afghanistan: the UK and Australia come to the rescue of the United States in a clumsy way

The Eastern seas after Afghanistan: the UK and Australia come to the rescue of the United States in a clumsy way

In March 2021 the People's Republic of China emerged as the world's largest naval fleet, surpassing the US Navy. An advantage of around 60 ships, whic [...]
I mari orientali dopo l’Afghanistan: Regno Unito e Australia in maldestro soccorso degli Usa

I mari orientali dopo l’Afghanistan: Regno Unito e Australia in maldestro soccorso degli Usa

Nel marzo 2021 la Repubblica Popolare Cinese è risultata la più grande flotta navale militare al mondo, superando la Marina da guerra degli Stati Unit [...]
Qué son y cómo funcionan los submarinos de propulsión nuclear que Australia comprará a EEUU

Qué son y cómo funcionan los submarinos de propulsión nuclear que Australia comprará a EEUU

Australia ha roto el mayor acuerdo militar del momento al cancelar con Francia un contrato firmado en 2017 con el constructor naval francés Naval Grou [...]
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